I’m sure I’m way late to this party, since I am, as we’ve established on many occasions, old, but I just discovered the iPhone app iMadeFace and it is SO FUN, you guys. It’s an app that lets you make portraits of people, real or imaginary, by choosing from an array of facial features, hair styles and colors, and backgrounds. I am sure this will be the next DrawSomething, in that I’ll be so sick of it I’ll want to throw it across the room in approximately one week, but for now, I am into it.

Being a narcissist, I first attempted a self-portrait, which did not turn out looking anything like me. I tried different noses, different hairstyles, different eyes, but it turns out iMadeFace does not contain my unique blend of features (go figure!) so I came out looking like a generic (but pretty) white lady. Which is great, except I don’t look like that. My iMadeFace portrait is much cuter than I am, and that bugs me. Can I get plastic surgery to look more like her? Except with a neck?me

Photo on 2010-11-27 at  15.16

I had much better luck creating my husband.



NAILED IT. (Note: he always takes off his glasses for photos but wears them in real life, so I’m gonna go ahead and say that the portrait I made actually looks MORE like him than a photo. There, I said it.)

Next, I turned to making portraits of all of the main characters from my novel, which I justified as being a “visualization exercise,” rather than a complete waste of time. This was so much fun. Since 99.9% of you haven’t read my manuscript, these portraits will probably be meaningless, but I want to share them anyway, because they are fun.













Don’t you want to read my novel now?

Anyway. I am done for the day; it’s 6 pm and I’ve had a hard day of making iMadeFace portraits, so I am going to sign off. Everyone go download iMadeFace and send me your best self-portrait!