As you’re probably aware, my blog has been offline for the past week or so. This is because it was viciously attacked by malware. I don’t know what malware is, exactly, but it’s bad and it virus’d my poor, innocent blog. I like to think that I was targeted by international spies for knowing too much (about — stuff), but who can say. In any case, my husband and brother-in-law helped nearly-computer-illiterate me fix the issue and, as you can see, we’re back. Whew!
Lots of stuff has happened in this past week and could probably provide fodder for fives, if not tens, of posts, but let me summarize in bullet format:
- Went to a champagne tasting/food pairing event in Joburg
- Traveled from Joburg (via Frankfurt) to San Francisco: a total of 27 hours’ travel, no big deal
- Hung out with my parents and assorted cousins for 36 hours
- Hopped on a plane to Orange County to attend the wedding of two law school friends
- Wore this dress – only problem was that sequins fell off every time I went to the bathroom
- Flew back to SFO
- Slept
- Got my blog back
So, here I am, in San Francisco, still in my pajamas, hanging out with my dad and dog.
I’ll be in California for three weeks, so be on the lookout for daily updates from here. Until then, happy December, and beware malware.