An abridged list of things I’ve felt guilty about as a mother, in no particular order:
- Hurting my kid while clipping his or her nails
- Letting my kid have a lollipop
- Taking away my kid’s lollipop so she wouldn’t choke on it
- Not potty training my almost-three-year-old
- Not saying prayers before bedtime
- Not saying prayers before mealtime
- Not saying prayers ever
- Letting my kid have the cheap plastic toy she asked for at the grocery store checkout
- Throwing away said plastic toy a few weeks later while picturing the desiccated landfill it will likely inhabit
- Giving up on cloth diapers with my second kid and going through approximately 75 diapers/day, plus approximately 4800 wipes/day, and once again, picturing that landfill
- Letting my kid sit in a poopy diaper for longer than half an hour
- Putting chocolate syrup into my kid’s medicine dropper
- Letting my kids drink out of the same cup
- Not talking to other moms at the park
- Not talking to other moms at preschool pickup and dropoff
- Not enrolling my kids in activities, lessons, or teams
- Working
- Not working
- Letting my kid roll off a bed onto his head not once but TWICE
- Having a toddler who hates vegetables, is obsessed with bread products, and loves grape Tylenol
- Weaning my second kid at ten months when I breastfed the older one for over a year
- Not ever learning how to wear a baby
- Ignoring one kid while dealing with the other
- Leaving my kids with my parents for the weekend
- Skipping events because I’d have to bring the kids and I just don’t want to
- Letting my kids “cry it out” during sleep training
- Wasting money on cute but overpriced baby clothes
- Not ever wanting to paint or do PlayDoh with my kid; I’d seriously sooner be waterboarded
- Letting my runny-nosed kid go to school because she’s not THAT sick and I need this
- Not washing my kids’ hands before every meal
- Hiding my kids’ books that I hate
- Not reading as much to my second kid as I did with my first
- Not teaching my kids a second language
- Wishing for time to speed up sometimes so that we could skip the chaos and go straight to the calmness
The end.
Ha ha! I’m too ashamed to commit my list to the printed word