I’m a VCCA Fellow!
I am honored to have been named a VCCA Fellow for 2021!
In late October, I will embark on a two-week residency at the Virginia Center for Creative Arts in Mt. St. Angelo, Virginia. VCCA hosts writers, visual artists, and composers, providing them with three meals a day plus private studio space to work. I will be in residence along with 24 other Fellows.
The idea of having two weeks to myself to write is, frankly, mind-boggling. I couldn’t do this without Al, of course, and my mom, and our babysitter, Janelle, who will all be taking excellent care of Lucia, Ewan, and Calla while I am gone. The kids are bummed on my behalf that I am going to miss Halloween and my birthday (shh, don’t tell them that I do not care!).
This residency is coming at a perfect time, as I come off of two great writing conferences: Community of Writers, in June, and Bread Loaf, in August. These conferences have energized me, helping me to breathe new life into existing projects. I am bubbling over with ideas and enthusiasm, and can’t wait to have uninterrupted time to work.
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