Going to London

Big news, peeps – I am moving to London for three months tomorrow. Al has been there for almost a week already (for work) and I am thrilled to bits that I’ll be joining him tomorrow.

(Image courtesy of sundaypostcardart.wordpress.com)
(Image courtesy of sundaypostcardart.wordpress.com)

A short list of things I’m excited to do, places I’m excited to see, and comestibles I’m excited to eat in London:

  1. Museums.
  2. Bookstores, including a book store that is ONLY cookbooks.
  3. Fish ‘n chips.
  4. Double-decker buses with plaid interiors. Don’t hate.
  5. Theater — or, should I say, theatRE.
  6. Pubs.
  7. The Tube (wow, public transportation is featuring prominently on this list already).
  8. Indian food.
  9. Friends, family.
  10. Libraries.
  11. Sidewalks — or, should I say, PAVEMENTS.
  12. Pimm’s cups.

I also have vague fantasies about becoming best friends with Adele and her dachshund, but we’ll just have to see how that goes.



Anyway, stay tuned for a retrospective post on Joburg. See you soon, London!

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